Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Spring Awakening - All That's Known

I went ahead and transcribed the Latin recitation rhythms from "All That's Known".  Feel free to use it, if you like - here is a link to the PDF.


Noel Freidline said...

Thank you so much for posting your transcription of the Latin from the cast recording of "Al That's Known." I am MDing this show in April and was getting ready to transcribe it myself for rehearsal tracks I am creating. You saved me a good 30 minutes of work. Thanks so much!

Noel Freidline said...

Thank you so much for posting your transcription of the Latin from the cast recording of "Al That's Known." I am MDing this show in April and was getting ready to transcribe it myself for rehearsal tracks I am creating. You saved me a good 30 minutes of work. Thanks so much!

Billie Whittaker said...

I'm glad you found it useful :)

Anonymous said...

So generous of you to share this--thank you so much, it is such a time-saver!! -j