Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Jim Henson's Memorial

As a lifelong fan of Jim Henson*, I feel compelled to post this youtube video of Jim Henson's memorial service, feature a slew of muppeteers singing Jim's favorite songs for his memorial service.  Enjoy!!!

*Honestly, this is all i want at my funeral - people acknowledging the things and the music that made me happy.  It's wonderful.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Music Copying - before Sibelius

I spend a lot of time on Finale 2011 - more specifically, I spend a lot of time swearing at Finale - but I have a newfound appreciation for the program after reading this article by copyist/composer Stuart Balcomb.  He was the Head Copyist at Universal for many years, starting back when all music copying was done by hand, when copyists were dubbed "ink-slingers". Check out what life was like in a recording session before Sibelius:  "What -- and give up show business?"

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Piano and Bull Art Installations

Hmmm . . . do you see the bulls as motivation to practice or to not practice?

Michael Parekowhai
 - A Peak in Darien, 2011
 - bronze, stainless steel

Michael Parekowhai
 - Chapman’s Homer, 2011
 - Bronze, stainless steel

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Ballet Collaboration With Yo-Yo Ma and Lil Buck

Here is an amazing collaboration between Yo-Yo Ma and a hiphop dancer in LA, Lil Buck.  Enjoy!